RDRLS HAWAII WA'A, David & Kim Kalama, along with their ohana, hosted the 4th annual "all V1 rudderless" one man canoe race in Hawaii! With crazy winds and hectic weather days prior, we had a beautiful day of one-man canoe racing.
March 5th, 2023
We had the likes of some of the best V1 paddlers from around the world, even current #1 V1 New Zealand/ Tahiti Paddler, Manutea Millon. He took 1st Place in the Open Men's Event. against some good competitions. Chase Vonnerdheim (Hawaiian), Hititua Maud (Tahiti), Maifano Amaru (Tahiti), Kala Dias (Hawaiian), Moehau Paie (Tahiti), and many others took to the challenge.
Christian Marston
Well know Kauaiian, Christian Marston was honored at the 2023 Aloha Aito 4, because of his love and dedication to V1 paddling in Hawaii. Christian is the founder of the Aloha Aito, and along with his Hawaiian Hanai-Brother, canoe builder, and paddler, David Kalama, they continue to provide races and events for Hawaii.
Keiki (kids of Hawaii)
The Future is Bright
We had 11 kids entries on a 2 mile course with our youngest paddler, 6 yrs of age to our oldest at 14.